On the 17th February 2013 the Meeting of the Medieval Lottery Project took place (one of many). It was great to see it so well attended including ourselves and everyone had a great deal to discuss:
- Jean Yates (Project Manager) brought in a Fleece from a Lincoln Sheep,which used to graze on Priory Field. During the Medieval Weekend on the 17th/19th May it is hoped that this rare breed of sheep will be grazing here once again.
- Audio Guides - There are ten of these and they will be FREE to hire but a deposit will be required. There will be two scripts, one for Inside the Priory, factual and another for outside told as in a story format but all true titled 'The Lost Priory'.
- There will be 21 plaques to accompany the Audio Guides which will soon be seen set in the ground all over Priory Gardens.
- You will soon see new 'finger posts' around Priory Gardens showing you to different areas.
- The Physic garden hopes to have Oak paneling at the rear and at the front there will be sleepers to raise the area and lecturns with interpretations on for the Medieval Plants that are to be planted in this area.
- The Volunteer Town Guides have been busy training and will be giving up there Saturday Mornings from May 18th to October 20th to take visitors around our Historic Town absolutely FREE! There will also be a Guided walk available on the first Sunday or every month also starting at 11am, from May to October.
- A Documentary is being filmed for the whole event by students from Central Bedfordshire College (Dunstable College). Which will be hopefully available in the Exhibition Room in Priory House along with the FREE Medieval Exhibition.
- There will possibly be three books about The Priory and a translation of the Annals.
- Included in the books and also a Map that is being created by the artist Richard Bowring including what Dunstable Priory once owned, land as far afield as Derbyshire, Kings Lyn, London....
- Along with a book there will be a DVD available ~ Medieval Dunstable It's Monasteries, Manors, Markets and Melees.
- New information is being added regularly to the Medieval Website
- As part of this years Medieval events there will be a Gregorian Chant Workshop and on May 18th/19th there will be a large event being held in Priory Church, House and Gardens. With Shield Making for the children, Hopefully the rare Lincoln Sheep will be grazing, Spinners and weavers, Minstrels, a dance work shop, a Medieval Seige and much more for everyone to enjoy at the event will be FREE to enter and enjoy.
- On Sunday the 19th May there will be a Service at St. Fredmund which will see a procession of the shrine to Priory Church for 10-30am service.
- On the 29th June There will be a musical history tour inside the Priory Church as part of the celebration of the dedication of the Church organ to the Priory in 1100.
- 2013 is going to be an amazing year for the people of Dunstable and for the many thousands that are expected in our town over the celebration period of the Anniversary of the Dedication of the Priory Church. We hope you will all enjoy and be part of this very big celebration.