Dunstable Town Council was once again very proud to have organised such a wonderful, traditional Christmas event.
Friday 2 December
18 Choirs took part in this Christmas event
Priory Boys Choir
Priory Girls Choir
Serenata Choir
St Mary’s Youth Choir
Priory Middle School Choir
Brewers Hill Middle School
Streetfield Middle School Choir
Ashton St Peter's Lower School
Ardley Hill Lower School Choir
St Christopher's Lower School
Totternhoe Lower School Choir
Beecroft Lower School Choir
Larkrise Lower School Choir
Watling Lower School Choir
Glenwood School Choir
Icknield Lower School
Caddington Village School
Downside Lower School
The choirs walked through Priory Gardens after having left the Priory Church. They all assemble in front of the The Square Methodist Church at around 7.30pm to sing carols, they were accompanied by The Salvation Army Band. They were then joined by the Mayor of Dunstable Claire Meakins-Jell and the stars of the Grove Theatre Pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk.
Priory House served hot drinks and puddings throughout the evening.
Hundreds of people attended this event and everyone had a wonderful evening.
Actors from stage and screen joined Dunstable Mayor Cllr. Claire Meakins-Jell
as the lights were switched on Dunstable's Christmas tree.
A Wonderful evening was had by all!