Following government changes to council funding, in
order to protect front-line services, Executive councillors have recommended a
3.95 per cent rise in council tax for 2016/17 that will be put to full Council
for a final decision later this month.
Councillors have listened to residents’ feedback in a public
consultation and will be seeking to average council tax rises to below 1.75% in
addition to the 2% social care precept over the next four years.
Over 1,200 people responded to the consultation in which the
council put forward a range of council tax and savings options after central
Government announced a 36 per cent cut to its funding to the council as part of
a shift towards local taxation. This will mean the council needs to make further
savings of £43million over the coming four years, on top of the £90m it has
already made.
The majority of respondents (58 per cent) favoured an increase
of 2 per cent to support adult social care services. However, people were split
on a general council tax increase with more favouring a 1.75 per cent increase
rather than a 1.99 per cent rise. The combined 3.95 per cent increase will mean
a weekly 99 pence increase in what an average household pays for council
Overall, the budget will see some £190million in public
services from April including £68million on adult social care services,
£36million on children’s services, £48million on community services such as
roads and transport, refuse collections and leisure and £5million on supporting
Executive Councillors also recommended investing up to
£278million on capital projects over the next four years from external and
council funding. Major projects being proposed across Central Bedfordshire
include £75.3million on new school places, £41.8million on highway schemes,
£8.5million on the ongoing upgrade of all tidy tips including a new site at
Thorn Turn, near Houghton Regis, £9.5million on providing disabled facilities
grants, £4.6million on improving care home provision, £7.6million on rolling out
superfast broadband to more homes and £4million to improve our market
What happens next?
Both the revenue and capital budgets will be considered by the
Council on 25 February which will confirm the final council tax rates taking
into account additional charges by the Fire Authority, Police and Crime
Commissioner and town and parish councils.
Your feedback
We want to know what you think of our new local updates. Send
your feedback to updates@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk.
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