Hopefully more photographs will be added at the link below ~ Please feel free to take a look and enjoy the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.
About Dunstable is for the sole benefit of positively promoting the Historic Town of Dunstable it's businesses, it's events and it's potential. Helping to keep Dunstable and the Community spirit alive!
Thursday, 31 May 2012
On Dunstable Downs - Monday night at 10.01pm precisely!
The Vikings have invaded Dunstable Downs; Explore the living history camp
including an armoury, surgery, coin striking, calligraphy, textile and combat
displays, weapons demonstrations and you'll get a chance to watch a Holmganga
(Viking duel) by torchlight. Part of the Jubilee weekend celebrations in
conjunction with Beds Museum.
Photograph taken by Rod
The lighting will be the culmination of a history festival taking place on the downs from 11am to 10pm on Monday, which will see a Viking invasion.
Photograph taken by Rod
For more information please click on the link below ~ Thank you
Monday, 28 May 2012
A message and invitation from David King of the Four Kings Bar & Cafe - Dunstable
A big thank you to Annette White from the PC Help Centre for her talk
keeping our PC's healthy. It was a most interesting session and in
general it seems we should all be more careful in preventing damage to
our computer systems rather than waiting until a breakdown.
Annette has kindly put together 3-page set of guidelines summarising the
main conclusions from her talk and thank you to her for making this
available to all members of our group - see attached
Our next meeting will be Tuesday June 12th at 8am and our topic due to
popular demand will be ...
Small Business Marketing - How best to market your product or service!
Our speaker will be Frank Murphy who is a member of our group and a
partner in local Marketing Agency Murphy Varley Ltd. Despite a busy
schedule Frank has agreed to talk to us through what we could and should
be doing to better attract and retain customers in this difficult
economic climate.
A topic of interest to all of us I am certain!
Breakfast as usual is courtesy of the Four Kings and please confirm if
you are attending the meeting so I can cater accordingly
Also thank you for bringing guests and helping swell our numbers - please
continue to do so!
See you all on June 12th I hope
Best regards
David King
Managing Director
The Four Kings Bar & Cafe
07836 214221www.fourkingsbar.co.uk
"Great Nights Out for Older Teenagers"
keeping our PC's healthy. It was a most interesting session and in
general it seems we should all be more careful in preventing damage to
our computer systems rather than waiting until a breakdown.
Annette has kindly put together 3-page set of guidelines summarising the
main conclusions from her talk and thank you to her for making this
available to all members of our group - see attached
Our next meeting will be Tuesday June 12th at 8am and our topic due to
popular demand will be ...
Small Business Marketing - How best to market your product or service!
Our speaker will be Frank Murphy who is a member of our group and a
partner in local Marketing Agency Murphy Varley Ltd. Despite a busy
schedule Frank has agreed to talk to us through what we could and should
be doing to better attract and retain customers in this difficult
economic climate.
A topic of interest to all of us I am certain!
Breakfast as usual is courtesy of the Four Kings and please confirm if
you are attending the meeting so I can cater accordingly
Also thank you for bringing guests and helping swell our numbers - please
continue to do so!
See you all on June 12th I hope
Best regards
David King
Managing Director
The Four Kings Bar & Cafe
07836 214221www.fourkingsbar.co.uk
"Great Nights Out for Older Teenagers"
The beacon lighting at the top of Dunstable Downs
This will be taking place on Monday night at 10.01pm precisely! The lighting will be the culmination of a history festival taking place on the downs from 11am to 10pm on Monday, which will see a Viking invasion. There will be a 'living history camp', and youngsters are invited to dress up as Vikings. And just prior to the beacon flame being lit there will be a re-enactment of a Viking duel!
Information taken from Dunstable Gazette facebook page
Information taken from Dunstable Gazette facebook page
Friday, 25 May 2012
Central Bedfordshire Council - New active travel project aims to promote growth
The Government has awarded £4.9 million of funding to Central Bedfordshire Council to help deliver local economic growth through promoting sustainable transport in and around Dunstable, Houghton Regis and Leighton Buzzard.
For the full information please click on the link below ~ Thank you
A Haunting Experience...Are there Ghosts at Priory House?
Is Priory House really haunted?
Is there really a lady on the stairs? Can a baby really be heard crying in the night?
These are just two examples of the haunting experiences that have been reported in the past at Priory House. The Anglia Paranormal Investigation Society (APIS) are holding a number of evening investigations to find out what... is really going on. Damien O’Dell author of, amongst others, 'Ghostly Bedfordshire-Re-Investigated' is leading the evening with other members of APIS.
Is there really a lady on the stairs? Can a baby really be heard crying in the night?
These are just two examples of the haunting experiences that have been reported in the past at Priory House. The Anglia Paranormal Investigation Society (APIS) are holding a number of evening investigations to find out what... is really going on. Damien O’Dell author of, amongst others, 'Ghostly Bedfordshire-Re-Investigated' is leading the evening with other members of APIS.
Would you like to join them? Do you fancy taking part in a real ghost hunt?
Tickets for the evening are priced at £30 and the evening runs from 8:30pm to 1:00am in the morning. The price will include a cup of Tea/Coffee and food.
Please contact Priory House on 01582 890270 for more information.
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Dunstable welcomes Councillor Pat Staples as our new Mayor for 2012
Dunstable Town Councils Mayor Making at Dunstable Conference Centre on Monday evening 21st May, saw Councillor Pat Staples become Dunstable's new Mayor after a fantastic year for Councillor Claire Meakins-Jell who was the previous Mayor. To start the new Mayor's year, over £300 was raised this evening for The Mayor Councillor Pat Staples chosen charities.
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Dunstable starts countdown to Olympic Flame
As the Olympic Flame starts its relay across the UK, preparations are well underway to welcome the Torch through its historic journey through Dunstable on Monday 9 July.
Central Bedfordshire Council is working with Dunstable Town Council and local emergency services to make sure that the Torch Relay can travel through the town with minimal disruption and spectators can watch the procession safely.
Residents wanting to share in the excitement of the Torch Relay will get their first glimpse of the Flame just before 07.30 on 9 July. Hot foot from overnight celebrations in Luton the Torch will enter Dunstable on Luton Road (A505 at the Skimpot Road roundabout).
Central Bedfordshire Council is working with Dunstable Town Council and local emergency services to make sure that the Torch Relay can travel through the town with minimal disruption and spectators can watch the procession safely.
Residents wanting to share in the excitement of the Torch Relay will get their first glimpse of the Flame just before 07.30 on 9 July. Hot foot from overnight celebrations in Luton the Torch will enter Dunstable on Luton Road (A505 at the Skimpot Road roundabout).
For more information please click on the link below ~ Thank you
Highway exhibition for roads in south west Dunstable
A highways improvements proposal for south west Dunstable could help reduce speed and through-traffic for residents around the area of Meadway, Langdale Road, Lowther Road, Beech Road and Oldhill.
Dunstable’s residents will have the opportunity to look at proposed highway improvements at a public exhibition on Friday, 25 May between 3.30 and 8pm and Saturday, 26 May between 10am and 1pm at Lark Rise Academy on Cartmel Drive.
The scheme aims to improve safety, especially for local schoolchildren, by reducing the amount of through-traffic and the speed vehicles travel at. The exhibition will show plans for road alterations which include junction improvements, raised crossings, footway improvements and measures to deter through-traffic.
Cllr Brian Spurr, Executive Member for Sustainable Communities Services, said: "We would encourage local residents and businesses to go and look at and comment on the plans for their area, which will make a massive improvement to these roads and the surrounding area."
Dunstable’s residents will have the opportunity to look at proposed highway improvements at a public exhibition on Friday, 25 May between 3.30 and 8pm and Saturday, 26 May between 10am and 1pm at Lark Rise Academy on Cartmel Drive.
The scheme aims to improve safety, especially for local schoolchildren, by reducing the amount of through-traffic and the speed vehicles travel at. The exhibition will show plans for road alterations which include junction improvements, raised crossings, footway improvements and measures to deter through-traffic.
Cllr Brian Spurr, Executive Member for Sustainable Communities Services, said: "We would encourage local residents and businesses to go and look at and comment on the plans for their area, which will make a massive improvement to these roads and the surrounding area."
Central Bedfordshire Council PR 1056 18/05/2012
Police Back Walk To School Week
Bedfordshire Police will be supporting the national Walk to School Week which runs from Monday May 21 until Friday May 25.
Members of Local Policing Teams will be attending a number of schools across the county to talk to students about the importance of road safety awareness, reinforcing key personal safety messages and also assisting some schools that operate walking buses and park and stride schemes.
For more information ~ Please click on the link below ~ Thank you
Saturday, 19 May 2012
Olympic Fun proves to be a huge success!
Lots of people, stalls and bunting....
Everyone enjoying a dry fun packed day.....
It's a 'Knockout' fun........
Children and adults enjoying some great entertainment.........
It proved to be a real 'Knockout' of a day!
Friday, 18 May 2012
Olympic Fun Day Saturday 19th May 2012
The Bunting goes up in Priory Gardens today for Saturday's OLYMPIC FUN DAY
10.00 AM TO 4.00 PM
Featuring It's a Knockout, Children's 'Have a Go' Arena, Craft Workshops, Children's Mini Olympic Zone, Showcase Arena of Olympic Events, Food... Cooking Demonstrations, Olympic Quiz and Outside bar with Olympic Cocktails!
Pop along to this fun FREE family event
For more information call 01582 513000 ro visit www.dunstable.gov.uk
Sponsored by the Holiday Inn Express Dunstable
10.00 AM TO 4.00 PM
Featuring It's a Knockout, Children's 'Have a Go' Arena, Craft Workshops, Children's Mini Olympic Zone, Showcase Arena of Olympic Events, Food... Cooking Demonstrations, Olympic Quiz and Outside bar with Olympic Cocktails!
Pop along to this fun FREE family event
For more information call 01582 513000 ro visit www.dunstable.gov.uk
Sponsored by the Holiday Inn Express Dunstable
Monday, 14 May 2012
Saturday 19th May is Olympic Fun Day in Dunstable
Everyone is welcome to this FREE event!
For more information about this and other events please click on the link below for Dunstable Town Council's website ~ Thank you
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Dunstable Beer Festival continues today........
Dunstable Beer Festival's 'Four Kings Pub Quiz' will be help today in the 'Undercroft' in Priory House ~ Starting from 1pm. £2 each with teams of up to 6 required. There will be prizes from Four Kings Bar & Cafe and nibbles at half time. Have a great day what ever your plans!
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Friday, 11 May 2012
Dunstable's First ever Beer Festival
The Priory House and Garden invites you to celebrate with many visitors, Dunstable's first ever Beer Festival ~ Which starts tonight with a Cheese and Wine Evening ~ Followed by two days of brilliant fun and entertainment.
The Beer tents are ready and waiting for tomorrows Beer Festival.
This fantastic new event in the wonderful surroundings of ~ Priory House and Gardens.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
This weekend sees Dunstable's first ever 'BEER FESTIVAL'
Why not pop in to Dunstable on either or all of the three day event!
Something for everyone!
From Cheese and Wine tasting on Friday, Live Music all day Saturday untill 11pm
to a Pub Quiz £2 per person organsied by The Four Kings Bar & Cafe on Sunday 1pm - 4pm
Everyone is welcome and it should be a great start to this year's Dunstable's events programme
Sponsored by Holiday Inn Express
as part of Dunstable Town Councils 2012 Events programme
Friday, 4 May 2012
Grove Corner Drop-ins for 13-17 years old
FREE Drop-ins
for 13-17 year olds
Meet new people
Monday & Wednesday
7pm - 9.30pm
Refreshments for sale
Refreshments for sale
For all other projects and events please visit
Cheese and Wine Tasting Evening
A sophisticated evening learning about and enjoying fine wine and cheese
Friday 11th May
7pm until 9pm
£15 per ticket/per person
Located in the beautiful and historic Priory House as part of Dunstable Town Council's first ever Beer Festival.
Tickets available in advance from Priory House
33 High Street South
01582 890270
Friday 11th May
7pm until 9pm
£15 per ticket/per person
Located in the beautiful and historic Priory House as part of Dunstable Town Council's first ever Beer Festival.
Tickets available in advance from Priory House
33 High Street South
01582 890270
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Dunstable Mayor Councillor Claire Meakins - Jell and Acting Deputy Head Mrs. Jandu at today's Watling Lower School 50th Brithday Celebrations
Balloons and cakes along with birthday wishes made a very happy morning assembly today celebrating Watling Lower Schools 50th birthday. Several children in turn spoke of how the school has developed over the past 50 years and all the children sang a wonderful hymn at the end of the assembly. Dunstable Mayor Councillor Claire Meakins - Jell answered questions from many of Watling Lower School children about her year's role of being Mayor of Dunstable. Also present along with the children and teachers, were school Governors and Councillors from local and CBC Council.
This afternoon everyone at the school will be enjoying some of the wonderful birthday cakes. The birthday celebrations of Watling School will continue over the next few months with many festivities planned.
Over the next week or so Watling Lower School will be decorating one of the shop windows in the Quadrant shopping centre. Don't forget to have a look when your next passing.
Watling Lower School Email:
Watling School opened it's doors to wonderful young children 50 years ago today!
Happy Birthday/Anniversary Celebrations will take place this morning at Watling School as they Celebrate being open 50 years today! Mayor Cllr Claire Meakins-Jell will be at a special assembly this morning to celebrate with the children and many others who are involved in the every day teaching and support of Watling School ~ Thank you also to Hayley at 'Dunstable Cake House' for the wonderful Cake Decoration.